Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) support and solutions provided:
Review, re design and simplify WHS Management Systems
Align new business acquisitions within Australia or internationally with existing WHS Management Systems
Support businesses in achieving accreditation with AS 4801
Develop Construction Materials Industry Association Guidelines for Traffic Management, Guarding of Plant and Equipment, Managing Geo Technical Risk, Noise Management, Dust Management, Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan, Noxious Weeds and Pest Animals Plan, Slimes Management
Facilitate Industry Association WHS workshops for management and employees
Mentor and assess students studying Certificate 4 in Surface Extraction
Mentor WHS professionals inclusive of making recommendations for development and career progression
Train WHS professionals in the functional safety role, a program established around the principles of Verify, Advise and Challenge,
Train employees, supervisors and management in General WHS responsibilities and duties
Facilitate resolution of issues between WorkSAFE and management, employees and management
Investigate serious and fatal incidents
Review high risk activities and establish Risk Reduction Plans
Establish due diligence and governance requirements for company directors
Conduct annual WHS performance reviews for company directors
Challenge and provide advice on planning strategies and performance measures